KINGnet Payment is the package that allows your kiosks to offer pay-per-user and transactions through cash, credit cards and chip cards.
Revenue: Transform your kiosk into a passive revenue-generating appliance.
Supports Bill and Coin acceptors as well as bill recyclers
Most international currencies supported
Multiple currencies supported concurrently
Supports Card readers: Magnetic and Chip cards
Supports payphone billing for VoIP or Analogue calls; Converts the telephone service offered in the KINGnet Communicator to a payphone service
Standard Tariff model supports:
Minimal fee
Delay charging
Initial fee
Initial period
Subsequent fee
Subsequent period
Tariff rates can be defined or set depending on date, time or special days (holidays or special events)
Define tariffs as a one-time fee or time based charging
Secure payment processing
User data encrypted
Edit and deploy tariff settings and parameters
Get real-time information about transactions, cash box levels, cash collection operations
Integration with banks and clearing houses
Secure payment gateway
Interleaved transactions support
Pre-authorization, sales and settlement activities
Credit refund support
Local database encryption
User management
Real-time or batch payment authorization/processing
Supports multiple protocols
BCE Emergis
Transaction reporting
Audit reports
Revenue: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly sales reports
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